2" diameter ball. Thoroughly dampen hair and shampoo ball. Roll ball through hair until suds develop, then gently work suds through hair. Rinse and repeat. You do not need a conditioner with this shampoo ball. Hair will be clean and soft.
Ingredients: Extra Virgin Olive oil, Palm oil, Elderflower tea, sodium hydroxide and Western Red Cedar essential oil.
"Soap" is the result of a chemical action between fat and lye. Many products on the market are labeled "Beauty Bar" or "Cleansing Bar". These products are not soap, and therefore cannot be labeled as such. They are usually detergents, which can be made more quickly than true soap. The problem with such "bars" is that the fat in the product does not undergo the chemical process occurring in soap and therefore leaves a residue on your skin. This residue often contains synthetic perfumes and additives that irritate the skin and fats that encourage bacteria growth. Over time, dry skin or eczema can develop.
Antibacterial products are the most damaging to skin health since they destroy the natural bacteria on your skin that fights infection. There is also the danger of ingesting the antibacterial products from cleaning food preparation surfaces and then ingesting food that has come in contact with the recently cleaned surface. Natural soap rinses clean, is organic and healthy for the environment and the skin.
PHOTOS: Western Red Cedar Shampoo Ball; John stirs up a batch of Western Red Cedar Shampoo Balls; freshly made shampoo balls aging; Wendy wraps a batch of