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Combined tinctures of Lomatium dissectum, Balsamorhiza sagittata and Grindelia
Our Price: $7.00

Antiviral Throat Spray 2 oz. plastic spray bottle. For protection against viral infections such as flu. Perfect 2 oz. size for packing in your carry-on for airline flights, or to keep handy in your purse. Spray throat frequently when in confined or public places. Can also be sprayed onto hands as a hand sanitizer.

Contains tinctures of Lomatium Root, Arrowleaf Balsamroot and Gumweed.

Lomatium (Lomatium dissectum): Lomatium is the most robust of the desert parsley. Lomatium helps the immune system during serious illness and flu. The plant's root's strong antiviral properties makes it effective for treating colds, flu, asthma and pneumonia.

Constituents: Essential oil, tetronic acid, luteolin, gums, resin, glycosides, furocoumarins, pyronocoumarins, saponins, carbohydrates, fatty acids, and ascorbic acid.

Arrowleaf Balsamroot (Balsamorhiza sagittata): Arrowleaf Balsamroot acts an adaptogen and an immune stimulant (working much like Echinacea) to strenthen the immune system during illness.

Constituents: Dihydroxy-cycloartenol (root), hydroxy-two-0-hexa-nor-cycloartenone (root), hydroxy-cycloartenol (root), hydroxy-cycloartenone (root), hydroxy-lanosterone (root), hydroxy-methyl-kaempferol (leaf), methoxy-kaempferol (leaf), beta-hydroxy, beta-acetoxy, alpha eudesmol (root), beta eudesmol (root), beta sellinene (root), betuletol (leaf), carissone (root), cinnamic acid, heptadeca-one-cis-8-diene (root), jaceidin (leaf), montarusin (plant), nonacos-one-ene (root), patuletin (leaf), spinacetin (leaf).

Gumweed (Grindelia sp.): Gumweed is a source of grindelia, a spasmodic used commercially to stimulate the mucous membranes in the treatment of chronic bronchitis and asthma. Gumweed binds with sticky mucous in the system and carries it out of the body, and is therefore excellent used in asthma, bronchitis, whooping cough and upper respiratory catarrh.

Constituents: Essential Oil: borneol. Plant: luteolol, three-methylkampferol, three-menthylquercetol, grindeline, matricarianol, matricarianol-acetate, p-oxybenzoic-acid, quercetol, and tannins. Resin: six-oxygrindelic-acid, 7 alpha,8alpha-oxydihydrogrindelic-acid, grindelic-acid, and oxygrindelic-acid.

PHOTOS: Antiviral Throat Spray 2 oz., Chad digs a large Lomatium root, Bob processes an Arrowleaf Balsamroot, blossoming Gumweed.

Hypericum perforatum, Mahonia repens, Artemisia absinthium and food grade alcohol.
Our Price: $8.00

2 oz. brown glass dropper bottle. For external use on Ringworm. Contains Saint John's Wort, Oregon Grape root, Wormwood and food grade alcohol.

Ingredients: Hypericum perforatum, Mahonia repens, Artemisia absinthium and food grade alcohol.

Saint John's Wort hypericum is effecive on most fungal skin conditions. It is also effective in most cases of eczema.

Oregon grape contains alkaloids of the isoquinoline type; berberine, berbamine, hydrastine, oxycanthine. The antibacterial properties of berbamine have shown activity against staphyloccus, streptococcus, salmonella, shigella and escherichia coli. It has antimicrobial properties that are especially beneficial for the skin and intestinal tract.

Wormwood has strong antifungal properties and is excellent for ringworm as well as athlete's foot, especially when combined with other antifungal herbs.

PHOTOS: Ringworm Treatment; wild stand of Wormwood; cleaned Oregon Grape root ready for chipping; Bob picks St. John's Wort

A blend of freshly tinctured antifungal herbs
Our Price: $8.00

2 oz. brown glass dropper bottle. Tall Sagebrush (Artemesia tridenta), Willow (Salix sp.), Oregon Grape root (Berberis repens) & American Pennyroyal (Hedeoma odorissima). For finger and toe nail fungus apply 3 times daily. Let dry before putting on gloves, socks or shoes.

Artemesia tridenta. Tall Sagebrush has strong antifungal properties and is excellent for nail fungus as well as athlete's foot, especially when combined with other antifungal herbs.

Salix sp.. Willow bark contains several constituents that have antiseptic and anti-fungal properties which inhibit nail fungus growth.

Berberis repens . The antibacterial properties of berbamine in Oregon Grape root helps prevent conditions on which fungus thrives.

Hedeoma odorissima. American Pennyroyal's essential oil (pulegone, ketone [puylegone], isopulegone, menthol, limonen, piperitone)acts as a strong antifungal and provides excellent results when paired with Tall Sagebrush.

PHOTOS: Antifungal Preparation, Tall Sagebrush, Oregon Grape in winter, American Pennyroyal.

Contains tinctures of American Pennyroyal, Mugwort, Wyethia, Green Black Walnut Hull, Yarrow and Lemon Grass essential oil.
Our Price: $10.00

4 oz. plastic spray bottle. Contains tinctures of American Pennyroyal, Mugwort, Wyethia, Green Black Walnut Hull, Yarrow and Lemon Grass essential oil.

This Herbal Mosquito and Fly Repellent is an effective way to protect exposed skin from Mosquitos, gnats and flys. Each ingredient is individually tinctured, then blended with Lemon Grass essential oil. American Pennyroyal (Monardella odoratissima), Mugwort (Artemesia vulgaris), Green Black Walnut Hulls (Juglans nigra), Wyethia (Wyethia helianthoides), and Yarrow (Achillea lanulosa).

PHOTOS: Herbal Mosquito and Fly Repellent Spray; blooming American Pennyroyal; green Black Walnut being prepared for tincturing.

A blend of the tinctures of Grindelia, Portulaca oleracea, and Verbascum Thapsus.
Our Price: $12.00

4 oz. brown glass bottle. For asthma, bronchitis, whooping cough and respiratory catarrh. Contains Gumweed, Mullein flowers, Purslane and food grade alcohol.

Gumweed (Grindelia sp.): Since Gumweed binds with sticky mucous in the system and carries it out of the body, the tea or tincture is excellent used in asthma, bronchitis, whooping cough and upper respiratory catarrh.

Mullein (Verbascum thapsus): Mullein is considered a specific in bronchitis where there is a hard cough with soreness. Its anti-inflammatory and demulcent properties indicate its use in inflammation of the trachea. Mullein flowers, being narcotic, have been used successfully in treating mild asthma attacks.

Purslane (Portulaca oleracea): Therapeutic effects of Purslane for respiratory diseases are indicated in ancient Iranian medical books. The bronchodilatory effect of the extract of Portulaca oleracea in the airway of asthmatic patients was examined. The results of the present study showed that Purslane has a relatively potent but transient bronchodilatory effect on asthmatic airways.

PHOTOS: Asthma Aid, Purslane, Mullein, Gumweed, Baaza relaxing during the harvest.
Lomatium, Gumweed, and Red Clover
Our Price: $12.00

4 oz. brown glass bottle. For viral infections such as flu. This formula works best when taken in small frequent doses at the onset of symptoms. Contains tinctures of Lomatium, Gumweed and Red Clover.

Lomatium (Lomatium dissectum): Lomatium is the most robust of the desert parsley. This fern-leafed variety is highly variable and has a wide range. It grows as much as four feet tall, making it the tallest of the Lomatium. The leaves, mostly basal, are large and divided into many segments. The multiple umbels develop on a long, leafless stalk, with early spring flowers that vary in color from deep purple (nearly black) to pale yellow. It most frequently grows in rocky habitats, particularly on talus slopes. It is often found growing among Arrowleaf Balsamroot.

Constituents: Essential oil, tetronic acid, luteolin, gums, resin, glycosides, furocoumarins, pyronocoumarins, saponins, carbohydrates, fatty acids, and ascorbic acid.

Lomatium’s antiviral properties often make it effective against flu, colds, asthma and pneumonia as well as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Lomatium and Arrowleaf Balsamroot (both bear medicine plants) were used in tribal medicine as an herbal steam for lung or nasal congestion and asthma.

Gumweed (Grindelia sp.): These sticky perennials have smooth stems averaging two to three feet tall. The leaves are ½ to five inches long, and lance-shaped with toothed margins. The half-inch disk flower heads have outer rows of small yellow ray flowers. The flowers are resinous.

Constituents: Essential Oil: borneol. Plant: luteolol, three-methylkampferol, three-menthylquercetol, grindeline, matricarianol, matricarianol-acetate, p-oxybenzoic-acid, quercetol, and tannins. Resin: six-oxygrindelic-acid, 7 alpha,8alpha-oxydihydrogrindelic-acid, grindelic-acid, and oxygrindelic-acid.

Gumweed is a source of grindelia, a spasmodic used commercially to stimulate the mucous membranes in the treatment of chronic bronchitis and asthma. Gumweed binds with sticky mucous in the system and carries it out of the body, and is therefore excellent used in asthma, bronchitis, whooping cough and upper respiratory catarrh.

Red Clover (Trifolium pratense): Red Clover, a European native, is commercially grown in the Untied States for pasturage, hay and green manure. It is considered excellent forage for livestock and poultry. This perennial has escaped from commercial fields and is now abundant on meadow land and along rural roadsides. The plant has several stems 1 to 2 feet high, arising from the one root. Leaves, which grow in threes, are slightly hairy with oval leaflets, ending in long point often lighter colored in the center. The flowers are red to purple, fragrant, and formed in dense terminal globular heads. The flower heads are gathered between May and September.

Constituents: Isoflavones; biochanin A, daidzein, formononnetin, genistein, pratensein, trifoside; other flavonoids including pectolinarin and trifoliin (=isoquercitrin); Volatile oil, containing furfural; Clovamides; L-Dopa-caffeic acid conjugates; Coumarins; coumestrol, medicagol and coumarin; a galactomannan, resins, minerals vitamins, phytoalexins.

The expectorant and anti-spasmodic action give Red Clover a role in the treatment of coughs and bronchitis, especially in whooping cough. Isoflavonoid compounds from Red Clover protect from inflammation and immune suppression induced by UV radiation. The herb also acts as a tonic tonic to assist the body in recovering from various diseases including cancer of the bowels, breast cysts, liver congestion, tuberculosis, herpes simplex and for rebuilding energy levels after long and lingering illnesses. Red Clover works well with other herbs, often boosting their healing powers.

PHOTOS: Flu Formula; apprentices digging Lomatium; Red Clover ready for tincturing; Gumweed.

A combination of the tinctured Cratagus sp.berries and Grindela sp. flowering top.
Our Price: $12.00

4 oz. brown glass bottle. Contains Hawthorn (Cratagus sp.) berries and Gumweed flowers (Grindela sp.) infused in food grade alcohol. Take twice daily to strengthen the heart.

Hawthorn: Hawthorn has a measured effect on the heart and circulation, making it useful as an initial therapy for persons with weakened heart function. It is especially useful for early-stage congestive heart failure, particularly before stronger drugs such as digitalis are required. Hawthorn will also maintain the heart in a healthy condition, preventing the development of coronary disease. In general, using Hawthorn gives the heart a fighting chance at recovery from heart disease, and it may also slow progression of the illness. The actions of Hawthorn extract on the cardiovascular system make the heart a more efficient pump. It partly achieves this by increasing blood supply to the heart muscle. It also increases the output of blood from the heart and decreases the resistance of blood vessels in the body to the normal flow of blood. The result is a stronger and healthier heart and a better flow of blood throughout the body. In the past decade, however, standardized extracts from Europe have predominantly been prepared from the leaves and flowers. These portions of the plant are higher in the desired medically active constituents. Hawthorn can be safely used for an extended period of time without side effects, as opposed to digitalis and other cardiac glycoside drugs that can become toxic. There are some known interactions with prescription cardiac drugs, so check with your health care provider if you are taking such medication. Take one teaspoon of tincture in the morning and one before bedtime.

Constituents: Cardiac flavonoids, flavonoglycosyls, hyperoside, rutin, diureticoligomeric procyanidins, one-epicatechol, astringent, cardiotonic amines, tonic, triterpene acids, vasodialator saponins, tannins and vitamin C.

Gumweed: Gumweed acts to relax smooth muscles and the heart muscle. This helps to explain its use in the treatment of asthmatic and bronchial conditions, especially where these are associated with a rapid heartbeat and nervous response. Because of the relaxing effect on the heart and pulse rate, there may be a reduction in blood pressure.

Constituents: Essential Oil: borneol. Plant: luteolol, three-methylkampferol, three-menthylquercetol, grindeline, matricarianol, matricarianol-acetate, p-oxybenzoic-acid, quercetol, and tannins. Resin: six-oxygrindelic-acid, 7 alpha,8alpha-oxydihydrogrindelic-acid, grindelic-acid, and oxygrindelic-acid.

PHOTOS: Heart Tonic; Ruby picks ripe Hawthorn; Brandy picks Gumweed.

This formula is a blend of three herbs, the first year leaves of Mullein, the fresh flowering tops of Cleavers plus the leaves and budding tops of Horehound.
Our Price: $12.00

4 oz. brown glass bottle. This formula is a blend of three herbs, the first year leaves of Mullein, the fresh flowering tops of Cleavers plus the leaves and budding tops of Horehound.

Herbal Cold formula is added to hot water (with the addition of honey and lemon, if desired) and taken as a hot beverage at the onset of a cold.

Mullein (Verbascum thapsus) Mullein is a very beneficial respiratory remedy useful in most conditions that affect the lungs. It is an ideal remedy for toning the mucous membranes of the respiratory system, reducing inflammation while stimulating fluid production and thus facilitating expectoration. In respiratory conditions it combines well with Horehound. Mullein is considered a specific in bronchitis where there is a hard cough with soreness. Its anti-inflammatory and demulcent properties indicate its use in inflammation of the trachea.

Cleavers (Galium aparine) is perhaps the best tonic for the lymphatic system. As a lymphatic tonic with alterative and diuretic actions, it may be used safely in a wide range of problems where the lymphatic system is involved. These include swollen glands anywhere in the body, especially in tonsillitis and adenoids

Horehound (Marrubium vulgare) helps soothe the throat. It is a valuable plant in the treatment of bronchitis where there is a non-productive cough. It combines the action of relaxing the smooth muscles of the bronchus while promoting mucus production and thus expectoration. It is beneficial in the treatment of whooping cough.

PHOTOS: Cold Formula; Mullein leaf; harvesting Horehound; tray of cleaned freshly harvested Cleavers.

Contains tinctures Fir Hydrosol, tincture of Horehound tincture of Gumweed, and tincture of Yarrow.
Our Price: $12.00

4 oz. green plastic spray bottle. For sore throats and hoarseness due to colds, flu or vocal strain. Contains tinctures Fir Hydrosol, tincture of Horehound tincture of Gumweed, and tincture of Yarrow. Use Herbal Throat Spray several times throughout the day or as needed.

Balsam Fir (Abies sp.): Balsam Fir Hydrosol is gently stimulating to the circulatory system, while at the same time calming to the mind.

Horehound (Marrubium vulgare): Horehound is used in most cough mixtures to clear phlegm and to soothe sore throats. Horehound is also a valuable plant in the treatment of bronchitis where there is a non-productive cough. It combines the action of relaxing the smooth muscles of the bronchus while promoting mucus production and thus expectoration.

Gumweed (Grindelia sp.): Since Gumweed binds with sticky mucous in the system and carries it out of the body, the tincture is excellent used in asthma, bronchitis, whooping cough and upper respiratory catarrh.

Yarrow (Achillea lanulosa): Since Yarrow contains several anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving constituents, such as azulene and salicylic acid it is very effective in the treatment sore throats.

PHOTOS: Herbal Throat Spray; Fir; garbling Horehound at Mavens' Haven; preparing to tincture Yarrow.

Horsetail (Equisetum Arvense) & Nettle (Urtica sp.) plus foodgrade alcohol.
Our Price: $12.00

4 oz. brown glass bottle containing Equisetum arvense & Urtica sp. plus foodgrade alcohol. For the building of strong bones, repair of joint cartilage and/or to stimulate hair growth. Take 1/2 tsp. tincture three times daily (with each meal).

Cautions: Horsetail contains silica, which draws nitrates and chemicals from the soil. It is therefore important not to harvest Horsetail near feedlots or areas where farming and spraying takes place. Do not use Horsetail in combination with antihypertensive drugs, digitalis, corticosteroids, heparin, or lithium. If taking Horsetail for a prolonged time, supplement thiamine (vitamin B-one) in your diet, because Horsetail does interfere with thiamine absorption. Avoid taking the thiamine at the same time as the Horsetail. High doses of Horsetail can cause symptoms of poisoning. This species of Horsetail is a small fern-like perennial with a rhizome that resembles a string of beads. It appears in two different stages, the first being fertile and the second, sterile. During the first stage, there is a spore-bearing spike atop the stalk. The plant reaches four to eight inches high. During the second stage, whorls of needle-like leaves appear. The plant may reach eighteen inches at the second stage. The aerial stems of the second stage plants are the ones gathered. Since they contain a large quantity of silica, they dry quickly in open air. Equisetum arvense has established itself in all parts of the world with the exception of Antarctica, New Zealand and Australia.

Orthopedic aid – Bone growth involves the process of adding calcium for hardness, plus increasing collagen. Silicon is essential for both of these processes. An important study conducted at the School of Public Health at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) shows that silicon-supplemented bones have a one hundred percent increase in collagen when compared with low-silicon bones.

Silicon works by chemically binding the structures of surface tissues and those that connect the bones. Silicon not only promotes growth, bone, and tooth formation, but also has inhibitory effects on coronary heart disease and arteriosclerosis. Silicon is found in mother's milk, in the fiber faction of brown rice, in leafy greens and bell peppers, and Equisetum arvense.

Horsetail's predominant element, silicon, is no doubt responsible for the majority of its curative properties. Horsetail tea has been recommended for years for the regeneration of fingernails. Organic silicon should be distinguished from nonorganic silicon. Organic silicon will recalcify; inorganic silicon will not. In many cases Horsetail has also been found to ease the pain of rheumatism and to stimulate the healing of torn ligaments.

Horsetail Constituents: Horsetail contains up to 70% silicon (silica). Other constituents include alkaloids, including nicotine, palustrine and palustrinine; flavonoids such as isoquercitrin, campesterol, a saponin equisitonin, dimethylsulphone, thiaminase and aconitic acid.

Stinging Nettles have square substantial stems covered with little hairs. The leaves are luxuriant, green and with subdued but pronounced veins. The green colored inconspicuous flowers, which mature into small green seeds, droop from the upper leaf pairs at the stem, in close clusters. Stinging Nettles prefer moist, rich soil and range at sea level to elevations over 9,000 feet.

Tonic: In this combination, Stinging Nettles, being is a very high source of digestible iron, works with the Horsetail to improve overall health. Nettles also stimulates hair growth as well as strengthens the hair shaft.

Stinging Nettle Constituents: Two-methylhepten-(two)-on-(six), five-hydroxytryptamine, acetic-acid, acetophenone, acetylcholine, apha-tocopherol, beta-carotene, betaine, bromine, butyric-acid, caffeic-acid, calcium, chlorophylls, choline, chromium, ferulic-acid, fluorine, folacin, formic-acid, glycerol, histamine, koproporphyrin, lecithin, mucilage, p-coumaric-acid, protoporphyrin, scopoletin, serotonin, SFA, silicon, sitosterol, sitosterol-glucoside, violaxanthin, and xanthophyllepoxide.

PHOTOS: Horsetail ~ Nettle Tincture; Suzanne and Jessica gather Horsetail; John gathers fresh Stinging Nettle.