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Birch Polypore (Piptoporus betulinus) Monograph PDF
Our Price: $1.00

From The Forest PDF Monographs are two to four pages of specific plant information that includes a brief description of the plant/fungi, harvesting information, historic information, cultivation techniques, selected constituents, general uses, and dosages.

Birch Polypore monograph includes a recipe for making Birch Polypore Wound Ointment.

Sulphur Shelf (Laetiporus conifericola) Monograph PDF
Our Price: $1.00

From The Forest PDF Monographs are two to four pages of specific plant information that includes a brief description of the plant/fungi, harvesting information, historic information, cultivation techniques, selected constituents, general uses, and dosages.

Sulphur Shelf monograph includes a recipe for making Sulphur Shelf - Usnea Ointment.

False Tinder Polypore (Phellinus igniarius) Monograph PDF
Our Price: $1.00

From The Forest PDF Monographs are two to four pages of specific plant information that includes a brief description of the plant/fungi, harvesting information, historic information, cultivation techniques, selected constituents, general uses, and dosages.

Alumroot (Heuchera sp.) Monograph PDF
Our Price: $1.00

Species used includes Heuchera rubescens, H. micrantha, and H. parvifolia. From The Forest PDF Monographs are two to four pages of specific plant information that includes a brief description of the plant/fungi, harvesting information, historic information, cultivation techniques, selected constituents, general uses, and dosages.

The Alumroot Monograph includes a recipe for:

Alumroot Wound Healing Powder

Amaranth (Amaranthus sp.) Monograph PDF
Our Price: $1.00

From The Forest PDF Monographs are two to four pages of specific plant information that includes a brief description of the plant/fungi, harvesting information, historic information, cultivation techniques, selected constituents, general uses, and dosages.

The Amaranth Monograph includes a recipe for:

Amaranth Salve

Angelica (Angelica sp.) Monograph PDF
Our Price: $1.00

From The Forest PDF Monographs are two to four pages of specific plant information that includes a brief description of the plant/fungi, harvesting information, historic information, cultivation techniques, selected constituents, general uses, and dosages.

The Angelica Monograph includes recipes for:

Angelica Chewable Anti-acid Tablets
Angelica Seed Anti-Inflammatory Salve
Angelica Cough Drops

Arnica (Arnica sp.) Monograph PDF
Our Price: $1.00

From The Forest PDF Monographs are two to four pages of specific plant information that includes a brief description of the plant/fungi, harvesting information, historic information, cultivation techniques, selected constituents, general uses, and dosages.

The Arnica Monograph includes recipes for:

Arnica Salve
Arnica Lotion
Sore Muscle Liniment

Arrowleaf Balsamroot (Balsamorhiza sagittata) Monograph PDF
Our Price: $1.00

From The Forest PDF Monographs are two to four pages of specific plant information that includes a brief description of the plant/fungi, harvesting information, historic information, cultivation techniques, selected constituents, general uses, and dosages.

The Arrowleaf Balsamroot Monograph includes a recipe for:

Arrowleaf Balsamroot Salve

Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis) Monograph PDF
Our Price: $1.00

From The Forest PDF Monographs are two to four pages of specific plant information that includes a brief description of the plant/fungi, harvesting information, historic information, cultivation techniques, selected constituents, general uses, and dosages.

The Asparagus Monograph includes a recipe for:

Asparagus Astringent Lotion

Astragalus (Astragalus Canadensis) Monograph PDF
Our Price: $1.00

From The Forest PDF Monographs are two to four pages of specific plant information that includes a brief description of the plant/fungi, harvesting information, historic information, cultivation techniques, selected constituents, general uses, and dosages.

The Astragalus Monograph includes a recipe for:

Astragalus Immune Enhancing Soup