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Tincture of fresh Prunus virginiana bark.

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4 oz. bottle of tincture of Chokecherry Bark (Prunus virginiana). Take 1/2 tsp. in water, sweetened with honey if desired, as needed for coughing.

Ingredients: Chokecherry bark, food grade alcohol.

Chokecherry is a deciduous, often straggly shrub or small tree with twisted or crooked trunks and smooth, dark reddish to grayish bark. Its leaves are thin, broadly oval and tapering at both ends, with fine, sharply-toothed edges and a short, pointed tip. The flowers grow in long clusters at the branch tips. The faintly-scented small white flowers are saucer-shaped and have five rounded petals each. The shiny red to black cherries appear in autumn. They have a very astringent aftertaste. Chokecherry is found scattered at low- to mid-elevations in open woods, grasslands and clearings. Look for dried fruit or small pits clinging to twig tips to aid in winter identification. The bark is gathered from young plants in the late winter or mid-autumn (when the prussic acid content is highest). The bark is stripped off and carefully dried in the shade, tinctured or made into syrup.

Constituents: The pharmacologist’s main interest in Chokecherry bark is due to the presence of the cyanogenetic glycoside prunasin. Benzaldehyde, prussic acid, three, four, five-trimethoxybenzoic.

Cough Medicine – Due to the powerful sedative action of prunasin on the cough reflex, chokecherry bark finds its main use in the treatment of irritating coughs and thus has a role in the treatment of bronchitis and whooping cough. Take ½ teaspoon of the tincture, as needed.

Gastrointestinal Aid – Chokecherry bark tincture is taken for indigestion and upset stomach. Add one tsp. to one cup hot water. Do not sweeten. Sip slowly.

PHOTOS: Tincture of Chokecherry Bark, Chokecherry in winter, Chokecherry trunk, Randy enjoys striping almond scented Chokecherry bark.

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