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Ground dried Lomatium Dissectum root, dug during the peak spring and autumn seasons.

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Our Price: $25.00

Quantity in Stock:7


Ground dried Lomatium Dissectum root, dug during the peak spring and autumn seasons, cleaned, sliced and dried, then ground. During harvest season, Jil will dig your roots on order, then clean, dry and grind them. She will have your dried, powdered root mailed to you within 10 days or your order. During off season, she will have a limited amount dried and stored. The off-season dried roots will then be ground when ordered, to preserve maximum freshness.

Lomatium dissectum is the most robust of the desert parsley. This fern-leafed variety is highly variable and has a wide range. It grows as much as four feet tall, making it the tallest of the Lomatium. The leaves, mostly basal, are large and divided into many segments. The multiple umbels develop on a long, leafless stalk, with early spring flowers that vary in color from deep purple (nearly black) to pale yellow. It most frequently grows in rocky habitats, particularly on talus slopes. It is often found growing among Arrowleaf Balsamroot. The root can be chopped and tinctured, infused in oil, or sliced and dried.

Lomatium dissectum is considered among many Native American tribes as one of the Bear Medicines (along with Osha and Arrowleaf Balsamroot) since in spring it sends up parts resembling furry, brown paws. Bear Medicine plants were used to heal the heart, liver and lungs.

Cautions: Some people have experienced rashes as a side effect. Lomatium should be taken in small doses. If too much is taken (exceeding seventy drops per day), a rash can occur. Should this happen, discontinue use of Lomatium. The rash will clear up in one to five days.

Constituents: Essential oil, tetronic acid, luteolin, gums, resin, glycosides, furocoumarins, pyronocoumarins, saponins, carbohydrates, fatty acids, and ascorbic acid.

PHOTOS: Dried Ground Lomatium Root 1 lb.; Devon and Sean dig Lomatium root; sliced dried Lomatium; ground Lomatium.

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