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Three month cold infusion of the fresh herb of Horehound in virgin olive oil, strained and bottled.

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1 oz. brown glass bottle.(Marrubium vulgare). Infused Horehound Oil has strong antiseptic properties, making it useful for application to wounds, sores and rashes.

Ingredients: Three month cold infusion of the fresh herb of Horehound in virgin olive oil, strained and bottled.

This perennial plant grows from a short, knobby root. The woolly stems are square and reach 1 ½ to 2 feet tall. The crinkled, fuzzy leaves grow opposite along the stem, each pair of leaves at right angles to the ones below. The tiny white flowers form balls below paired leaves. The seed heads mature into sticking burrs. The plant has a sharp, acrid scent when crushed. Horehound can be found growing wild throughout Europe, the United States and Canada. The herb prefers dry, sandy places, wastelands, vacant lots and abandoned fields. Leaves and flowering tops are gathered; they are best dried in the shade.

The plant is harvested as it comes into flower and can be used fresh or dried. Harvest by cutting back the plants to 3 inches above the ground.

Horehound takes its name from Horus, the Egyptian god of sky and light. In ancient Greece the herb was credited with curing the bite of mad dogs, and among the Hebrews, it was one of the ritual bitter herbs of Passover. In witchcraft, it is believed that Horehound has the power to break spells.

Constituents: Marrubiin, a diterpene lactone, with premarrubiin; diterpene alcohols; marruciol, marrubenol, sclareol, peregrinin, dihydroperegrinin; volatile oil, containing [[alpha]]-pinene, sabinene, limonene, camphene, p-cymol, [[alpha]]-terpinolene; alkaloids; traces of betonicine and its isomer turicine; miscellaneous; choline, alkanes, phytosterols, tanins etc.

PHOTOS: Infused Horehound Oil; Horehound plan; apprentices garbling Horehound.

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