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Tincture of fresh blooming Ipomopsis aggregata

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4 oz. brown glass bottle. Ipomopsis aggregata. Used as an antiviral against parainfluenza virus type 3. Also clears phlegm from the lungs.

This plant may be either biennial or perennial. It has stems arising from a basal rosette of leaves that are deeply lobed with narrow segments. Stems can reach forty inches tall and are covered with sticky or white heirs. The leaves along the stems are similar to the basal ones, only smaller. Reddish ¾ to 1½-inch flowers are borne in loose clusters. Each flower resembles a long, narrow tube and pointed, flaring lobes. The flowers appear from mid-spring through autumn. The entire plant has a skunk-like odor. Scarlet Gilia likes dry grassy hillsides and plains--it is often scattered among conifers. The crushed leaves have a musky, almost skunk-like scent.

Antifungal – Scarlet Gilia exhibited antifungal activity against a wide variety of fungi that effect humans. Cover the whole plant (including roots) with rubbing alcohol and infuse for three weeks before straining. Apply externally to affected areas. Scarlet Gilia also makes and excellent Antifungal Salve when mixed with other antifungal plants.

Cancer Aid – The plant is known to have cytotoxic properties which help to keep virus-infected or malignant cells in check. Large doses of the plant can be toxic, so it must be used with caution. Begin with doses of ½ tsp. three times daily, being especially watchful for signs of poisoning (i.e. vomiting, diarrhea, clammy skin). Increase dosages to 1 tsp. three times daily if no side-effects occur. After one month, stop dosage for two weeks and flush the system with a tea of two parts Dandelion Root to one part each of Burdock and Yellow Dock roots. The Scarlet Gilia tincture treatment may commence after the two weeks, never to continue beyond four weeks consecutively and always followed by flushing the system with the cleansing tea.

Constipation – The whole plant (including root) is ground into a fine powder (coffee grinder works well). The powder is put into #00 capsules. Three are taken morning and evening to alleviate constipation.

Febrifuge – A tea or tincture of the plant helps relieve the aches associated with fever.

Influenza – The plant has antiviral activity against parainfluenza virus type 3. Parainfluenza virus infections (especially type 3) occur throughout the year. Type 3 disease is endemic, is highly contagious, occurs in all seasons, and infects a high proportion of all children in the first year of life. Bronchitis and pneumonia associated with type 3 infections seldom cause serious disability and are rarely fatal.

PHOTOS: Tincture of Scarlet Gilia, flowering plant, Scarlet Gilia ready for tincturing, Lou Anne and Violet cool down after a hot afternoon of harvesting.

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