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  WILD FOODS OF THE DESERT by Darcy Williamson PDF ebook
Wild Foods of the Desert by Darcy Williamson

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  • File Size: 600 KB
  • Print Length: 200 pages
  • Publisher: From The Forest; First E-Book Edition (April 15, 2010)
  • Language: English
  • E-Book
  • This book was written in hopes of unveiling one of America's best kept secrets - delicacies of the desert. The high and low desert areas of the southwestern United States provide a cornucopia of solid foods ranging from succulent fruits to rich nuts; spicy seasonings to exotic meats, juicy berries to tangy vegetables.

    For the hunter, backpacker or camper, these foods offer a welcomed addition to the camp menu. Once the outdoors-man becomes familiar with desert foods and their seasonal availability he can plan his provisions accordingly. The backpacker can lighten his load in anticipation of supplementing his diet with foods gathered along the trail. Each following chapter contains a section for the outdoors-man, providing simple methods of preparing wild desert plants and game out-of-doors.

    But, desert foods shouldn't be limited to use in the field! Their unique flavors and textures lend themselves to gourmet cooking as well. Wild foods from the desert can open a whole new dimension in food preparation and entertaining. Juniper berries, Pinion nuts, acorn meal, pickled nopalitos and prickly pear jelly are a few of the wild desert foods which hold prominent positions on the shelves of specialty and gourmet shops. These same high priced delicacies are abundant in their natural habitat. The following chapters provide hundreds of rarely seen recipes offering the homemaker and gourmet cook a galaxy of fresh ideas for using desert foods.

    "I'm not saying this book hasn't left anything out, but if it has I'm not aware of it. It covers preparation of things I already knew you could eat, as well as many other things I didn't know were edible. For example, I've eaten rattlesnake, mesquite beans, and cactus pads, but didn't know tumbleweeds were also edible. And there were many more pleasant surprises.

    The book is well organized and adequately illustrated with line drawings. Each type of food is illustrated in its natural state at the beginning of its section, accompanied with a distribution map of where it is most commonly found in the U.S. A brief introductory description of each natural plant or animal food is given, followed by one or more recipes for its preparation. Nothing gourmet fancy, most of the time just the way pioneers or Indians might have prepared it.

    For me this book was a sleeper and far better than I expected. I liked it so much I gave the first copy to some dear friends who also love unconventional western cooking and ordered a second one for myself.

    This little unpretentious cook book is the best of its kind I've run across so far. I've seen nothing else that even comes close."

    PHOTOS: Book cover by Susan Sheldon; index page; sample page; author

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