1/2 oz. jar. (Melilotus officinalis & Achillea millefolium). Excellent ointment for treating pink eye, ocular rosacea, scaly patches around the eye and irritations around the eye lids and tear ducts.
Melilot is good for inflammation of the eye or other parts of the body.
The Melilots are perennial herbs, 2 to 4 feet high, found in dry fields and along roadsides, in waste places and chalky banks, especially along railway banks and near lime kilns. The smooth, erect stems are much branched, the leaves placed on alternate sides of the stems are smooth and trifoliate, the leaflets oval. The plants bear long racemes of small, sweet-scented, yellow or white, papilionaceous flowers in the yellow species, the keel of the flower much shorter than the other parts and containing much honey. They are succeeded by broad, black, one-seeded pods, transversely wrinkled.
All species of Melilot, when in flower, have a peculiar sweet odour, which by drying be comes stronger and more agreeable, somewhat like that of the Tonka bean, this similarity being accounted for by the fact that they both contain the same chemical principle, Coumarin, which is also present in new-mown hay and woodruff, which have the identical fragrance.
The name of this genus comes from the words Mel (honey) and lotus (meaning honeylotus), the plants being great favourites of the bees. Popular and local English names are Sweet Clover, King's Clover, Hart's Tree or Plaster Clover, Sweet Lucerne and Wild Laburnum.
Melilot Constituents - Coumarin, the crystalline substance developed under the drying process, is the only important constituent, together with its related compounds, hydrocoumaric (melilotic) acid, orthocoumaric acid and melilotic anhydride, or lactone, a fragrant oil.
Due to its mild astringent action, Yarrow, in hydrosol form, is very soothing to the tissue around the eye.
Yarrow, a member of the Asteraceae family, is closely related to the chamomiles. It flourishes in a sunny and warm habitat, and is frequently found in meadows and along roadsides, as well as on dry, sunny slopes. It grows as a simple, erect, and hairy stem that can reach a height of 5 feet. The entire plant (with the exception of the fruit) is draped in white, silky hairs. Yarrow grows from runners as tough, angular, horizontal stems that bear flowers.
Yarrow blooms between June and September. The flowers are typically white, but either pink or pale purple flowers are common in mountain areas. The petals are densely arranged in flattened clusters, and the leaves look like feathers.
Yarrow Constituents - A dark green, volatile oil, a peculiar principle, achillein, and achilleic acid, which is said to be identical with aconitic acid, also resin, tannin, gum and earthy ash, consisting of nitrates, phosphates and chlorides of potash and lime.
Lomatium dissectum is considered among many Native American tribes as one of the Bear Medicines (along with Osha and Arrowleaf Balsamroot) since in spring it sends up parts resembling furry, brown paws. Bear Medicine plants were used to heal the heart, liver and lungs.
Contains: Chopped Oregon Grape root infused in olive oil, then thickened with beeswax.
Constituents: Alkaloids of the isoquinoline type; berberine, berbamine, hydrastine, oxycanthine.