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Tincture of wild harvested Usnea lapponica lichen
Our Price: $12.00

4 oz. brown glass bottle Usnea lapponica. There are no known side effects of usnea, and it has not been reported to interfere with the action of common medications. It is considered safe for use in children. Theoretically, caution is advised in people with autoimmune disease (e.g. rheumatoid arthritis, lupus), as Usnea may increase the action of the immune system.

Usnea is very slow growing and therefore, should not be harvested off of living trees. It is best to take what is offered after a windstorm has blown down tree branches or what has naturally fallen to the ground. Europe has already depleted their resources for Usnea due to over harvesting.


Antibiotic – Usnic acid, which gives usnea its bitter taste, acts as an antibiotic. Use 2 tsp. of tincture in warm water 30 minutes before mealtime.

Anti-fungal – Indicated in the treatment of fungal infections of the mouth, stomach, intestines, anus, vagina, nose, ear, and skin, as well as systemic fungal infections.

Anti-microbial – The lichen helps the body to resist and kill unwanted organisms such as bacteria, virus, fungus and parasites. The properties are often referred to in a more specific way using the terms anti-bacterial, anti-biotic and anti-fungal. Take 3 #00 capsule three times a day for the above conditions. Usnea appears to kill bacteria by disrupting their metabolic function. Specifically, it uncouples oxidative phosphorylation by acting on the inner mitochondrial membrane and also has ATP-ase activity. Both of these mechanisms ultimately kill bacterial cells by cutting off their energy supply. Unlike bacterial cells, human cells are less permeable to usnic acid and are not adversely affected.

Cough medicine - Usnea also contains mucilage, which can be helpful in easing irritating coughs. A teaspoon of dried usnea added to chokecherry bark (1 tsp.) and Horehound (1/2 tsp.) per cup of boiling-hot water works well.

Gast-intestinal – Because of its bitter taste and ability to stimulate digestion, Usnea was historically used to treat indigestion. Take two teaspoons of tincture in warm water, as needed.

Lung aid – Usnea is recommended by herbalists and naturopathic doctors for acute and chronic lung infections, such as pleurisy, pneumonia, colds and flu, and as an adjunct to tuberculosis (TB) treatment Usnic acid, the constituent of the Usnea species that has been studied most extensively, inhibits gram-positive bacteria such as streptococcus, staphylococcus, and mycobacteria. The organism Streptococcus pneumoniae is a major cause of bacterial pneumonia in adults, and a related organism, Streptococcus pyogenes, is responsible for the clinical condition pharyngitis, which is commonly referred to as strep throat.

Wounds – Usnea, pulverized into a fine powder, make an excellent antibacterial dressing for open wounds and runny sores.

PHOTOS: Tincture of Usnea, Usnea lichen, Yvonne garbles Usnea, Tjaden finishes bottling tincture.

Tincture made from the wild harvested leaves of Arctostaphylos uva-ursi.
Our Price: $12.00

Arctostaphylos uva-ursi. 4 oz. bottle Uva Ursi has a specific antiseptic and astringent effect upon the membranes of the urinary system.

Often called kinnikinnick, this trailing evergreen shrub often forms large mats. The flowers are pale pink, growing urn-shaped terminal racemes. The leaves are oval, leathery and evergreen. The branching stems tend to lose their rusty red bark in shreds. Uva ursi is usually found in well-drained soil in open woodland, bench land and gravel terraces.

Diuretic – Take 1/2 tsp. tincture, three times daily, not to exceed four days. If you must use a diuretic long term, use Pipsissewa.

Kidney aid – It is used where there is gravel or calculus in the kidney or as part of a holistic approach to more chronic kidney problems. Take one teaspoon of the tincture in warm water three times a day for one week – not to exceed ten days.

Pediatric aid – With its high astringency Uva Ursi is used in the treatment of some forms of bedwetting. It has an influence upon relaxed conditions of the bladder walls and can tone and induce normal contraction. Use 1 tsp. tincture in 1 cup warm water. Take three cups daily for up to five days.

Urinary Tract – Uva Ursi has a specific antiseptic and astringent effect upon the membranes of the urinary system. The plant converts arbutin into hydroquinine, which helps alkalinize the urine. It may be used in the treatment of infections such as cystitis. As a douche it may be helpful in vaginal ulceration and infection. Uva Ursi may be combined with Yarrow for infections of the urinary tract. For an infusion add 1 1/2 tsp. tincture to warm water. Uva Ursi works best when one avoids acidic foods, such as citrus fruits and juices, cranberry products, sauerkraut and vitamin C.

Constituents: Hydroquinones; mainly arbutin (hydroquinone-[[beta]]-glucoside) and methylarbutin; iridoids, monotropein; flavonoids, quercitrin, isoquercitrin, myrica-citrin and others; tannins, volatile oil, ursolic, malic, ellagic and gallic acids. This should be taken three times a day.

PHOTOS: Uva Ursi Tincture; Uva Ursi in fruit; garbling Uva Ursi (removing leaves from the stems)

Nasturtium Officinale
Our Price: $12.00

(Nasturtium Officinale) Watercress is a super food. It is bursting with Vitamins A, C and K. It contains more calcium than milk and more iron than spinach. The benefit of using watercress tincture as opposed to taking vitamin and mineral supplements is that the natural herb also contains the right amount of trace minerals such as magnesium and potassium that aid your body in absorbing nutrients.

Watercress is a natural anti-oxidant that aids in blocking free radicals from causing damage to healthy cells thus slowing the aging process and preventing the development of disease. It is also alkaline which is helpful in keeping your blood from becoming acidic which can promote abnormal cell growth.

The iron rich properties of Watercress are particularly helpful in treating different types of anemia. Also the high iodine content can help prevent goiter, treat hypothyroidism and improve the general overall health of the thyroid gland.

Watercress is also a diuretic that can help relieve excess water retention and edema. It is also said to help relieve the symptoms of gout, support good kidney function and ease urinary and bladder problems.

PHOTOS: Watercress Tincture; fresh Watercress; harvested from pristine mountain streams

Tincture made from the leaves of wild harvested Artemisia ludivucuana
Our Price: $12.00

4 oz. tincture of fresh Western Mugwort (Artemisia ludivucuana). Used for control of parasites (1 to 2 tsp. daily for up to 3 weeks), and menopausal symptoms.

Constituents: Sesquiterpenes, achillin, anthemidin, artedouglasia oxide, douglanine, ludovicin, tanaparthin-α-peroxide, and tanapartholide b; monoterpenes, borneol, camphor, chrysanthemol, transchrysanthenol, and α-pinene; flavonoids, butein, isoliquiritigenin, isorhamnetin, quercetin; coumarins, lacarol and scopoletin.

Anthelmintic – Western mugwort is effective against a number of intestinal parasites. Drink several cups of tea daily for treatment of traveler’s diarrhea, pinworm infections and other infestations effecting intestinal function. Take as a cold infused tea or 1 to 2 drops in warm water 3 times daily. Most Artemisia sp. contain artemisinin, a compound used in conventional medicine as an antimalarial drug. Even whole herb preparations have traditional use in intermittent fevers – one hallmark of malaria (Plasmodium falciparum) infection.

Liver aid – Western Mugwort has a number of effects on the liver. Overtly it increases bile synthesis and release. If prone to gallstone formation Western mugwort will thin bile enough to diminish stone formation. The herb has a cooling, antioxidant effect on hepatocyte function and tend to reduce elevated liver enzyme levels – all stress markers evident in viral and general hepatitis. In addition, the plant inhibits glutathione depletion within hepatocytes. Use 1 tsp. two times daily.

Stomach aid – Western Mugwort is a medicine for the gastrointestinal tract. The plant’s gastric stimulation can largely be determined by its bitterness. The more bitter the plant, the more stimulation it will provide. Underlying Western Mugwort's bitter tonic activity is its seemingly paradoxical cytoprotective effect on gastric and intestinal tissue. Western Mugwort, has the ability of stabilizing cellular membranes and ultimately protecting gastrointestinal tissues from an array of inflammatory conditions. These plants have been shown to provide cyclooxygenase inhibition, increased glycoprotein (mucus) synthesis, granulocyte degranulation inhibition, as well as transcription factor NF-κB inhibition. All of these activities protect gastrointestinal tract mucosa from the body’s own inflammatory responses. Use Western Mugwort as a daily tea or tincture (1 tsp. per cup of hot water) for ulcerative colitis, gastritis, or other inflammatory conditions affecting the area.

PHOTOS: Western Mugwort Tincture; Western Mugwort; Western Mugwort bundles

Tincture of the wild harvested fresh root of Asarum caudatum
Our Price: $12.00

(Asarum caudatum) 4 oz. fresh root Wild Ginger tincture. The strong antibacterial properties of Wild Ginger makes it an excellent choice when treating intestinal infections of Salmonella, E. coli, Candida albicans and similar afflictions. Take 1 tsp. of the fresh tinctured root in a small amount of liquid every three to four hours over the course of 7 to 10 days.

Odd pitcher-like flowers of ruddy brown hide in the semi-glossy heart-shaped leaves. The flowers, which bloom from April through July, consist of three brownish purple sepals that are broad at the base but taper to long tail-like appendages at the tip. The heart-shaped leaves are up to 4 to 6 inches wide and occur in pairs on long petioles that are attached opposite each other on the stems. The plants reproduce by seed as well as by creeping horizontal stems that root at the nodes, forming leafy mats. When crushed, the plant emits a strong, ginger like aroma. Wild Ginger is one of the few evergreen ground covers that will flourish under fir trees. They are also frequently found under old-growth cedar and hemlock.

Cautions: Wild ginger can cause nausea in some individuals and is contraindicated in pregnancy due to the emmenagogue and abortifacient effects. It should not be used long term or exceed the recommended dosage.

Constituents: Volatile oil (3.5-4.5%) rhizome containing asarone, bornyl acetate, geraniol, limonene, linanol, methyl-eugenol, aristolochic acid, b-sitosterol and others.

Antibacterial – The strong antibacterial properties of Wild Ginger makes it an excellent choice when treating intestinal infections of Salmonella, E. coli, Candida albicans and similar afflictions. Take 1 tsp. of the fresh tinctured root in a small amount of liquid every three to four hours over the course of 7 to 10 days.

Antifungal – For athlete’s foot or ringworm, topically apply a tincture of the fresh root several times daily. For nail fungus, make the tincture with rubbing alcohol and apply to the nails (and around the nail bed) several times daily. It is even more effective for treating nail fungus when added to equal amounts of Western Mugwort and Goldthread, which have also been tinctured in rubbing alcohol.

Analgesic – Fresh root tincture and the leaf tea are useful for treating the painful spasms of the bowels and stomach associated with IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome).

Antiperiodic – Wild Ginger, especially when mixed with Yarrow and Alder cones, has been found to be effective in treating malaria, Lyme’s disease and Guardia. Tincture the three herbs separately ~ the fresh finely chopped Wild Ginger root, the fresh leaves and flowers of Yarrow and the freshly gathered green Alder cones. After three weeks, strain the tinctures. Combine two parts of the Wild Ginger root with one part of Yarrow tincture and one part green Alder cone tincture. Take 25 drops in one cup of hot water on an empty stomach the first thing in the morning. Take an additional 15 drops in a small amount of hot water at bedtime. Continue dosage for four weeks. Rest the system for two weeks, then resume treatment for four additional weeks.

Antiviral – Tinctured fresh Wild Ginger root is a good addition to the basic Flu Formula (Arrowleaf Balsamroot, Lomatium, Gumweed) when flu-like symptoms have begun to “set in”. Add ¼ cup of the fresh root tincture to 1 cup of Flu Formula. Take 1 tsp. of the combined tincture in one cup of hot water three to four times throughout the day. The basic Flu Formula is best taken at the first sign of the flu, most often preventing it from forming into an illness. However, the addition of the tinctured Wild Ginger root makes the formula an effective treatment for when the viral infection has taken hold.

Colds – The root is very effective in treating dry head colds by causing the system to secrete mucus. Take 1 tsp. of the tinctured root in one cp of hot water, as needed. Wild Ginger’s ability to calm coughing rivals that of codeine. Make simple syrup by covering the chopped root with water, then gently simmering in a covered pot for 20 to 30 minutes. Strain the liquid, measure, then add an equal amount of honey. Heat to dissolve honey, then seal in bottles in a boiling water bath for 10 minutes.

Feberfuge – Wild Ginger is used in treating dry or long, lingering fevers. Make a tea by steeping 2 tsp. of chopped dried leaves (or adding 1 tsp. of the fresh root tincture) per cup of hot water. Sip slowly. The tea may be taken up to three times throughout the day.

Stomach aid – The fresh root tincture (1 tsp.), taken in a cup of hot water and sipped slowly, helps relieve stomachaches as well as nausea, morning and motion sickness.

PHOTOS: Wild Ginger Root Tincture; Stacy searches for Wild Ginger; Wild Ginger in bloom; Wild Ginger root

Tincture of fresh salix sp. bark
Our Price: $12.00

pain, fever, antiseptic
Tincture of fresh Artemisia absinthium leaves and flowers
Our Price: $12.00

(Artemisia absinthium) 4 oz. brown glass bottle. Wormwood depresses the central medullary part of the brain, which is the area concerned with pain and anxiety. Used occasionally, it will soothe the nerves and reduce the feeling of melancholy, anxiety and mild depression.

This aromatic herb is a perennial that can grow up to 4” tall. The leaves are oval and toothed, ranging between 1 ½ to 3 inches long. The inconspicuous green flowers grow in a series of spike-like clusters from August through October. Wormwood is gathered in last summer and early fall. Wormwood is found throughout the world. In the Rocky Mountains it is most often found in arroyos and sagebrush steppe.

Analgesic – Wormwood tincture acts as an antispasmodic for menstrual cramps.

Anthelmintic – Tincture of the herb will help expel roundworms and pinworms.

Antidepressant -- Wormwood depresses the central medullary part of the brain, which is the area concerned with pain and anxiety. Used occasionally, it will soothe the nerves and reduce the feeling of melancholy, anxiety and mild depression.

Stomach aid -- Tincture of wormwood has been used to help reduce gastric pain, heartburn and indigestion. In many European countries a tincture of wormwood is prescribed for hepatitis and jaundice. The tea has also been used to help treat cancer of the liver. The tincture may be dilluted with water (50/50) and used as an antiseptic wash for infected wounds.

Tonic – Wormwood is one of the bitter plants added to most European bitters. It helps stimulate digestion, as well as rids the body of some forms of parasites.

CONSTITUENTS: Absinthin (leaf), achillicin (flower), alpha-thujone (leaf), anabsin, (plant) anabsinin, (plant) anabisithin (plant), arabsin (plant), artabasin (leaf), artabin (plant), artabsinolide (plant), artemetin (leaf), artemolins (plant), artenisetin (plant), arthamaridin (plant), arthamaridinine (plant), arthamarin (plant), beta-caryophyllnene (plant), beta-thujone (leaf), bisabolene (plant), cadinene (plant), camphene (plant), chamazulene (leaf), chlorogenic-acid (plant), cis-epoxyocimene (leaf), formic-acid (plant), hydroxypelenolide (platn), inulobiose (plant), isoabinthin (plant), isoquercitrin (leaf), isorhamnetin-3-o-rhamnoglucoside (plant), isohamnetin-3-glucoside (leaf), ketopelenolides (plant), lirioresinol (plant), matrisin (plant), methyl (plant), nicotinic-acid (plant), p-coumaric-acid (plant), p-hydroxyphenylacetic-acid (plant), patueltin-3-0-rhamnoside (leaf), patueltin-3-0-glucoside (leaf), phellandrene (plant), pinene (plant), pipecolic-acid (plant), protocatechuic-acid (plant), quebrachitol (plant), quercitin-3-o-beta-d-glucoside (plant), quercitin-3-0-rhamnoglucocide (plant), rutin (plant), sabinene (plant), salicylic-acid (plant), spinacetin-3-0-glucoside (leaf), spinacetin-3-0-glucoside (leaf)m spinacetin-3-0-rhamnoglucoside (leaf), Thyjyl-alcholol, Thyjyl-isovalerate, Thujyl-palitate (plant), Trans-dehydromatricaria-ester (root), Trans-epoxyocimene (leaf), Trans-saqbinyl-acetate (plant),Trans-spiroketalenol (root), Vanillic-acid.

PHOTOS: Wormwood Tincture, Wormwood, wild Wormwood country, stacking bottles to be filled with tinctures.

Tincture of fresh Achillea flowers and leaf
Our Price: $12.00

4 oz. brown glass bottle. (Achillea sp.). Yarrow helps to relax peripheral blood vessels, thereby improving circulation, which can aid in the treatment of some headaches.

The pungently scented Yarrow has finely divided fern-like leaves and a flat-topped cluster of many small white flowers. The species grows in a diversity of habitats, flowering from June through September. The densely hairy plants average between ten and twenty inches tall, with leaves one to four inches long.

AnalgesicYarrow helps to relax peripheral blood vessels, thereby improving circulation, which can aid in the treatment of some headaches. Take one teaspoon of tincture in a cup of warm water, or drink a tea brewed with two teaspoons of Yarrow per cup of boiling hot water for headache relief.

AntihemorrhagicYarrow contains achilletin and achilleine that aids in blood coagulation. The fresh leaves are an effective first aid to stimulate clotting in cuts and abrasions, as well as working as an antiseptic and a local anesthetic.

Blood Pressure –Taken as a tea or tincture, Yarrow relaxes the peripheral blood vessels and is therefore useful in lowering blood pressure. A teaspoon of the dried herb is steeped in one cup of boiling-hot water for ten minutes. Three to four cups are taken hot throughout the day.

Cold Remedy – If taken freely with Mullein and Horehound at the beginning of a cold, the congestion will break up within twenty-four hours. Use one teaspoon dried Yarrow, two teaspoon dried Mullein and one-half teaspoon dried Horehound per cup of boiling-hot water. Drink a cupful every two to three hours.

Cosmetic Aid – Yarrow makes an excellent facial steam for problem skin. Put a handful of dried Yarrow leaves and flowers in a small basin. Pour one quart of boiling water over the dried herb. Lean the head over the bowl, draping the head and bowl with a large towel to make a facial steam tent. Steam face for ten minutes, then rinse skin with fresh cold water.

Febrifuge –The plant is useful for breaking dry fevers. Steep two teaspoons of dried Yarrow leaves or flowers in one cup of boiling hot water for six or seven minutes. The tea is then sipped slowly. The best way to bring on copious sweating is to sit in a tub of hot water or a sauna while sipping the tea. Yarrow’s diaphoretic properties also help open the pores and aid in the elimination of waste material.

Gynecological Aid –Yarrow has been very effectively used during menopausal years, reducing the incidence of "hot flashes" and speeding up the transition. One teaspoon of the dried flowers is steeped in one cup boiling-hot water for ten minutes and taken hot several times a day. Two to three cups of Yarrow tea will decrease menstruation. Steep one teaspoon in one cup of boiling-hot water for five minutes, and then sip slowly.

StingsYarrow is an excellent first aid for wasp and bee stings. As soon as possible after being stung find some fresh Yarrow leaves and chew a small handful; place the chewed pulp directly on the sting, swallowing the bitter juice left in your mouth. The poultice removes the pain while the swallowed juice acts as anti-histamine. When the sting begins to hurt again, repeat the process. Most often swelling won't accompany the sting if treatment is applied quickly.

Constituents: Essential oil (proazulene, borneol, camphor, cineole, eugenol, linalool, pinene, sabinene, thujone), isoValerianic acid, achillein, formic acid, salicylic acid, polyacetylenes, asparagin, sterols, glycoalkaloid (achhilleine), flavonoids (apigenin, luteolin, rutin, quercitin), coumarins, tannins.

PHOTOS: Yarrow Tincture, field of blooming Yarrow, Yarrow flowers, returning from the harvest

Tincture of fresh Crispus rumex root
Our Price: $12.00

4 oz. brown glass bottle Rumex crispus. Yellow Dock is an herb that can be used for skin conditions by helping the body to better cleanse itself of toxins and built up wastes.

This robust tap-rooted perennial grows two to five feet tall. The stems are erect, generally branched on the lower half, reddish and slightly ridged. The leaves are mostly basal, with curly or wavy margins, elongated, four to twelve inches long and lack hairs. The flowers are small and in dense, green, spike-like clusters. The entire plant turns reddish-brown at maturity. Individual seeds are enclosed in a papery, sometimes corky, winged structure that facilitates distribution by wind or water. Yellow Dock, a naturalized plant, is common in wet meadows, along ditch banks and in waste areas.

Constituents: Anthraquinones, ascorbic-acid, beta-carotene, calcium, chromium, cobalt, emodin, erucic-acid, glucose, hyperoside, iron, magnesium, manganese, niacin, oxalic-acid, phosphorus, physcion, potassium, quercetin, quercitrin, riboflavin, rumicin, rulin, selenium, silicon, sodium, tannin, thiamin, tin and zinc.

Antirheumatic – During flare-up, take 1 tsp. Yellow Dock root tincture plus ½ tsp. Burdock Seed tincture in warm water twice daily.

Blood medicine – Mix one tsp. Yellow Dock root tincture with 1 tsp. Burdock Root tincture and take in warm water twice daily for three weeks as a blood tonic.

Dermatological aid – Yellow Dock is an herb that can be used for skin conditions by helping the body to better cleanse itself of toxins and built up wastes. It works well internally to treat eczema. Take 1½ tsp. of the fresh root tincture three times daily for two months. Rest the system for 30 days, and then repeat dosage. Yellow Dock Salve is excellent as an application for eczema, hives, itchy skin, scabies and ringworm.

Gast-intestinal aid – For indigestion, add 1 tsp. Yellow Dock root tincture to a cup of warm water and sip slowly.

Laxative – Constipation is usually caused by a deficiency in the digestive system. An increase in vegetable intake, water and Yellow Dock will usually take care of the cause of the problem rather than artificially stimulating the bowels. Take 1 tp. in 1/2 cup of water before bedtime for mild cases of constipation.

Tonic – Yellow Dock improves the function of the kidneys, liver, lymph glands and intestines, thus aiding the body's natural cleansing process. It has been used to help the body eliminate pollutants, including heavy metals such as lead and arsenic. Yellow Dock also helps to free up iron stored in the liver, thus making it more available to the rest of the body. Take 1 tsp. of the tinctured root daily for three weeks.

PHOTOS: Tincture of Yellow Dock, digging Yellow Dock roots, Susan unearths a large specimen, Susan cleaning Yellow Dock root prior to tincturing.

Made from the freshly harvested leaves of Thuja plicata and food grade alcohol.
Our Price: $13.00

4 oz. brown glass bottle Western Red Cedar leaves (Thuja plicata). Western Red Cedar is an immune-stimulant. Small, daily doses (1/4 tsp.) enhance resistance to respiratory and intestinal infections.

Ingredients: Thuja plicata, food grade alcohol.

Constituents: Thujone, pinipicrin, volatile oil, sugar, gelatinous matter, wax, resin, and Thujin.

Antiviral – Tinctured leaves and bark of Western Red Cedar can be added to Lomatium Root tincture for increased antiviral effects. This is especially effective to treating a viral infection which has already “taken hold”. Mix one part of Western Red Cedar to two parts Lomatium. Use in small frequent doses (¼ tsp) throughout the course of the illness to shorten its duration.

Cold Remedy – One tsp. tincture in tea, sweetened with honey, is used to relieve coughs, colds and sore throats.

Dermatological aid – Alcohol extracts is used on fungal skin infections including athletes foot, ringworm, and nail fungi.

Food Poisoning – Certain constituents found in Red Cedar destroy strains of Salmonella. Add ½ tsp. of the fresh tinctured leaves to 1 cup of warm water and sip slowly. Take three cups throughout the day, not to exceed three days.

Immune Stimulant – Western Red Cedar helps restore a suppressed immune system. It also works well with Arrowleaf Balsamroot (root). Combine equal portions of the tinctures and take twice daily in ½ tsp. doses.

PHOTOS: Western Red Cedar Tincture; Western Red Cedar bough; apprentices preparing tincture.