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Tincture of freshly harvested Geum macrophyllum root

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Our Price: $11.00

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Geum macrophyllum. Avensroot is considered an excellent remedy for fevers and has been substituted for quinine in the past. Use the fresh root tincture, ½ to 1 teaspoon per half cup of warm water, every two to three hours. Wild harvested in the mountains of central Idaho.

The flowers are few, rose-like and terminal, generally yellow or flesh colored. The seed heads are burr-like. The leaves are long, pinnate and lyre-like, with large terminal lobes and smaller middle lobes. The plants grow in mid-altitude forest meadows, usually near water. The herb and root is gathered.

Cautions: Extremely large doses may cause stomach cramping and dryness of mucus membranes.

Constituents: Includes volatile oil composed of eugenol and a glucocide; gein, geum-bitter, tannic acid, gum and resin.

Dysentery – Avens is one of North America’s best dysentery remedies. Two teaspoons of tincture in 1 cup water water, sipped over several hours time will slow the problem. Usually two to three cups, taken throughout the day, will solve it.

Fevers – It is considered an excellent remedy for fevers and has been substituted for quinine in the past. Use the fresh root tincture, ½ to 1 teaspoon per half cup of warm water, every two to three hours.

Gynecological Aid – For uterine hemorrhage, excessive menstruation or spotting, 2 tsp. of tincture in 1 cup of water, taken in small doses during the day will generally be effective. Two or three days of treatment may be necessary to bring more severe situations under control.
Liver Aid – Aven’s eugenol increases the activity of the digestive enzyme trypsin, while the bitter component helps regulate liver and gallbladder function. Take a tea or tincture of the root, using one teaspoon of the root or ½ teaspoon of the tincture several times throughout the day.

Stomach Aid – Avens combines bitter-tonic properties with the astringent effects of its tannins and the antiseptic action of its volatile oil eugenol which is also found in cloves and allspice. A teaspoon of the root tincture per cup of hot water will aid stomach inflammation and irritability. Drink the tea between meals.

Throat Aid – Aven's astringency makes it very useful as a mouthwash or gargle in the treatment of gingivitis, halitosis and sore throats. Use 1 tsp. tincture per ½ cup water.

Photos: Tincture of Avensroot, Avensroot in flower, harvested Avensroot, Avensroot being prepared for tincturing.

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