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Dry wild harvested Usnea
Our Price: $9.00

Usnea sp. Usnea, also known as old man’s beard, is not a plant but lichen—a symbiotic relationship between an algae and a fungus. The entire lichen is used. Usnea looks like long, fuzzy strings hanging from trees in North American and European forests, where it grows. This particular species of Usnea, common to our area, is medium-sized tufted shrub lichen, pale yellowish green in color. It is highly branched, bearing numerous short side branches, reinforced by a tough, white, central cord. Usnea grows over trees and shrubs, preferring old growth forest conifers in shady areas.

Cautions: There are no known side effects of usnea, and it has not been reported to interfere with the action of common medications. It is considered safe for use in children. Theoretically, caution is advised in people with autoimmune disease (e.g. rheumatoid arthritis, lupus), as Usnea may increase the action of the immune system.

Constituents: Usnic acid, mucilage.

Antibiotic – Usnic acid, which gives usnea its bitter taste, acts as an antibiotic. Use 2 tsp. of tincture in warm water 30 minutes before mealtime.

Anti-fungal – Indicated in the treatment of fungal infections of the mouth, stomach, intestines, anus, vagina, nose, ear, and skin, as well as systemic fungal infections. As an external anti-fungal Usnea Salve is excellent.

Anti-microbial – The lichen helps the body to resist and kill unwanted organisms such as bacteria, virus, fungus and parasites. The properties are often referred to in a more specific way using the terms anti-bacterial, anti-biotic and anti-fungal. Take 3 #00 capsule three times a day for the above conditions. Usnea appears to kill bacteria by disrupting their metabolic function. Specifically, it uncouples oxidative phosphorylation by acting on the inner mitochondrial membrane and also has ATP-ase activity. Both of these mechanisms ultimately kill bacterial cells by cutting off their energy supply. Unlike bacterial cells, human cells are less permeable to usnic acid and are not adversely affected.

Cough medicine – Usnea also contains mucilage, which can be helpful in easing irritating coughs. A teaspoon of dried usnea added to chokecherry bark (1 tsp.) and Horehound (1/2 tsp.) per cup of boiling-hot water works well.

Gast-intestinal – Because of its bitter taste and ability to stimulate digestion, Usnea was historically used to treat indigestion. Take two teaspoons of tincture in warm water, as needed.

Gynecological aid – For vaginal infections, use a strong infusion of Usnea as a douche. A strong infusion can also be added to a bath for women following the birth of a child, to aid parturition and to prevent infection.

Lung aid – Usnea is recommended by herbalists and naturopathic doctors for acute and chronic lung infections, such as pleurisy, pneumonia, colds and flu, and as an adjunct to tuberculosis (TB) treatment. Usnic acid, the constituent of the Usnea species that has been studied most extensively, inhibits gram-positive bacteria such as streptococcus, staphylococcus, and mycobacteria. The organism Streptococcus pneumoniae is a major cause of bacterial pneumonia in adults, and a related organism, Streptococcus pyogenes, is responsible for the clinical condition pharyngitis, which is commonly referred to as strep throat.

Wounds – Usnea, pulverized into a fine powder, make an excellent antibacterial dressing for open wounds and runny sores.

PHOTOS: Bulk Usnea, Usnea, Jules and Sheila harvesting, apprentices on a winter Usnea harvest.

Dried wild Achillea millefolium flowers.
Our Price: $17.00

Achillea millefolium. Opening a bag of Yarrow Flowers is a delight! This bag of blossoms will make approximately 70 cups of tea.

The pungently scented Yarrow has finely divided fern-like leaves and a flat-topped cluster of many small white flowers. The species grows in a diversity of habitats, flowering from June through September. The densely hairy plants average between ten and twenty inches tall, with leaves one to four inches long.

Constituents: Essential oil (proazulene, borneol, camphor, cineole, eugenol, linalool, pinene, sabinene, thujone), isoValerianic acid, achillein, formic acid, salicylic acid, polyacetylenes, asparagin, sterols, glycoalkaloid (achhilleine), flavonoids (apigenin, luteolin, rutin, quercitin), coumarins, tannins.

Analgesic – Yarrow helps to relax peripheral blood vessels, thereby improving circulation, which can aid in the treatment of some headaches. Take one teaspoon of tincture in a cup of warm water, or drink a tea brewed with two teaspoons of Yarrow per cup of boiling hot water for headache relief.

Antihemorrhagic –Yarrow contains achilletin and achilleine that aids in blood coagulation. The fresh leaves are an effective first aid to stimulate clotting in cuts and abrasions, as well as working as an antiseptic and a local anesthetic.

Blood Pressure – Taken as a tea, Yarrow relaxes the peripheral blood vessels and is therefore useful in lowering blood pressure. A teaspoon of the dried herb is steeped in one cup of boiling-hot water for ten minutes. Three to four cups are taken hot throughout the day.

Cold Remedy – If taken freely with Mullein and Horehound at the beginning of a cold, the congestion will usualy break up within twenty-four hours. Use one teaspoon dried Yarrow, two teaspoon dried Mullein and one-half teaspoon dried Horehound per cup of boiling-hot water. Drink a cupful every two to three hours.

Cosmetic Aid – Yarrow makes an excellent facial steam for problem skin. Put a handful of dried Yarrow leaves and flowers in a small basin. Pour one quart of boiling water over the dried herb. Lean the head over the bowl, draping the head and bowl with a large towel to make a facial steam tent. Steam face for ten minutes, then rinse skin with fresh cold water.

Febrifuge – The plant is useful for breaking dry fevers. Steep two teaspoons of dried Yarrow leaves or flowers in one cup of boiling hot water for six or seven minutes. The tea is then sipped slowly. The best way to bring on copious sweating is to sit in a tub of hot water or a sauna while sipping the tea. Yarrow’s diaphoretic properties also help open the pores and aid in the elimination of waste material.

Gynecological Aid – Yarrow has been very effectively used during menopausal years, reducing the incidence of "hot flashes" and speeding up the transition. One teaspoon of the dried flowers is steeped in one cup boiling-hot water for ten minutes and taken hot several times a day. Two to three cups of Yarrow tea will decrease menstruation. Steep one teaspoon in one cup of boiling-hot water for five minutes, and then sip slowly.

Stings – Yarrow is an excellent first aid for wasp and bee stings. As soon as possible after being stung find some fresh Yarrow leaves and chew a small handful; place the chewed pulp directly on the sting, swallowing the bitter juice left in your mouth. The poultice removes the pain while the swallowed juice acts as anti-histamine. When the sting begins to hurt again, repeat the process. Most often swelling won't accompany the sting if treatment is applied quickly.

PHOTOS: Yarrow Flowers 8 oz.; field of blooming wild Yarrow, harvesting Yarrow flowers, flowers ready for drying.
Dried wild harvested Pipsissewa leaf
Our Price: $23.00

(Chimaphila umbellata).
7 oz. dry weight. Contains dried crushed leaves only, stemmed removed. Packaged in quart bag and labeled.

Pipsissewa is a close relative of Uva Ursi, but contains fewer tannins, is less irritating, and acts as stronger diuretic. Due to its strong diuretic properties, Pipsissewa is also useful in reducing edema surrounding the heart. Prolonged consumption of Pipsissewa Tea will help dissolve kidney stones. Pipsissewa improves liver function by helping the body eliminate excess fluids. Sip a cup of Pipsissewa tea with meals. The hydroquinine content of Pipsissewa has an antiseptic effect upon the genito-urinary system and is very useful in treating urinary infections.

Antibiotic – As an antibiotic, make a decoction using one cup of fresh leaves per one pint of boiling hot water; take four cups a day for seven to ten days. When fresh leaves are not available, use tincture made from the fresh leaves.

Cold medicine Add one tablespoon of tincture to ½ cup warm, salted water and use as a gargle for sore throat.

Diuretic Pipsissewa's hydroquinones have a pronounced disinfectant effect within the urinary tract. It is a close relative of Uva Ursi, but contains fewer tannins, is less irritating, and acts as stronger diuretic. Infuse one tablespoon of fresh or dried leaves in one pint of boiling hot water for ten minutes. Drink the pint of liquid.

Eye medicine A strong decoction of Pipsissewa leaves (fresh or dried makes a good eyewash for pink eye. Steep ½ cup of fresh or dried leaves in one cup of boiling-hot filtered water for one hour. Strain liquid through an unbleached coffee filter. Use as an eyewash several times daily, making a new batch each day.

Heart medicine Due to its strong diuretic properties, Pipsissewa is useful in reducing edema surrounding the heart. Fresh leaves are best when available. Drink one quart of tea daily, half in the morning and the other half during early evening, using one cup of fresh leaves per quart. Fresh leaf tincture may be substituted if no fresh leaves are available, using ¼ cup of tincture per quart of water.

Kidney aid Prolonged consumption of tinctured Pipsissewa or tea made of Pipsissewa leaves will dissolve kidney stones. Take two teaspoons of tincture twice daily until the stones have disappeared.

Liver tonic Pipsissewa improves liver function by helping the body eliminate excess fluids. Sip a cup of Pipsissewa tea with meals.

Rheumatism – By increasing urine flow, Pipsissewa stimulates the removal of waste products from the body, and is therefore of benefit in treating rheumatism and gout.

Urinary tract –The hydroquinine content of Pipsissewa has an antiseptic effect upon the genito-urinary system and is very useful in treating urinary infections. Make a decoction using one cup of fresh leaves per one pint of boiling hot water; take four cups a day for seven to ten days.

Wounds – A strong decoction of the leaves or fresh leaf poultice may be applied to blisters to speed healing.

Constituents: Ursolic acid, hydroquinones (arbutin, chimophilin, ericolin), flavonoids (avicularin, kaempferol), triterpenes (ursolic acid, taraxasterol), phenols, methyl salicylate, essential oil, and tannins.

PHOTOS: Pipsissewa Crushed Leaf; Pipsissewa; Alexi harvests young Pipsissewa leaves.
Ground dried Lomatium Dissectum root, dug during the peak spring and autumn seasons.
Our Price: $25.00

Ground dried Lomatium Dissectum root, dug during the peak spring and autumn seasons, cleaned, sliced and dried, then ground. During harvest season, Jil will dig your roots on order, then clean, dry and grind them. She will have your dried, powdered root mailed to you within 10 days or your order. During off season, she will have a limited amount dried and stored. The off-season dried roots will then be ground when ordered, to preserve maximum freshness.

Lomatium dissectum is the most robust of the desert parsley. This fern-leafed variety is highly variable and has a wide range. It grows as much as four feet tall, making it the tallest of the Lomatium. The leaves, mostly basal, are large and divided into many segments. The multiple umbels develop on a long, leafless stalk, with early spring flowers that vary in color from deep purple (nearly black) to pale yellow. It most frequently grows in rocky habitats, particularly on talus slopes. It is often found growing among Arrowleaf Balsamroot. The root can be chopped and tinctured, infused in oil, or sliced and dried.

Lomatium dissectum is considered among many Native American tribes as one of the Bear Medicines (along with Osha and Arrowleaf Balsamroot) since in spring it sends up parts resembling furry, brown paws. Bear Medicine plants were used to heal the heart, liver and lungs.

Cautions: Some people have experienced rashes as a side effect. Lomatium should be taken in small doses. If too much is taken (exceeding seventy drops per day), a rash can occur. Should this happen, discontinue use of Lomatium. The rash will clear up in one to five days.

Constituents: Essential oil, tetronic acid, luteolin, gums, resin, glycosides, furocoumarins, pyronocoumarins, saponins, carbohydrates, fatty acids, and ascorbic acid.

PHOTOS: Dried Ground Lomatium Root 1 lb.; Devon and Sean dig Lomatium root; sliced dried Lomatium; ground Lomatium.