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4 oz. brown glass bottle. A tincture of the dried bark has an antibiotic activity against many strains of bacteria, including methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Use equal portions of catkins and bark when tincturing, following the procedure described in Amoeba Infestation. Take in ½ teaspoon dosages up to six times daily.

Cautions: Fresh alder bark is an emetic, causing stomach cramping and vomiting.

Constituents: The plant contains alnincanone, brassinolide, castasterone, and taraxerone. The leaves contain three-beta-hydroxy-glutin-5-en, alnusfoliendiolone, delta-amyrenome, L-ornithine, and sucrose. Bark contains alnulin, beta-sitosterol, citrullin, emodin, glutinone, hyperoside, lupeol, phliobaphene, protoalnulin, tannin, and taraxerol.

Antibiotic – A tincture of the dried bark has an antibiotic activity against many strains of bacteria, including methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Take in ½ teaspoon dosages up to six times daily.

Dermatological Aid – Tincture and Alder Bark Salve are useful in treating eczema. Take ½ teaspoon tincture of dried alder bark twice daily with meals. Apply salve externally to eczema, as needed. A poultice of moistened, heated leaves can reduce swelling and help heal wounds or skin ulcers. An infusion of fresh bark is effective when applied to poison ivy rash. Use two tablespoonful of the bark per one cup of boiling hot water. Cool before applying. For head lice or scabies, simmer ½ cup fresh bark in one pint of vinegar for ten minutes. Cool. Use as a hair rinse two times a day.

Gynecological Aid – To regulate menstrual flow, take one #00 capsule of powdered dried bark or 1 tsp. of the bark tincture two times a day.

Metabolic Aid – To improve food absorption and fat metabolism, make a decoction of two tablespoons dried bark per one cup of water. Take 1½ ounces at mealtimes. Or take 1 Tbsp. Alder bark tincture in 1 oz. of warm water at mealtime.

Oral Aid – For sore throats and hoarseness add 2 tsp. of Alder Bark tincture plus 1/2 tsp. sea salt to 1/2 cup warm water. Use as gargle.

PHOTOS: Alder Bark Tincture; Apprentices peeling Alder bark from branches; since fresh Alder bark is emetic, it is one of the few herbs that we dried prior to tincturing.

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